Toddlers, tweens and teens are doing it. Your Grandma may be doing it. Heck, even the Pope is doing it. Isn’t it time your organization made the quantum leap into social media?
My clients include a portable restroom provider, health clinic, school district, hospice and other entities. We’re all on or moving toward Twitter (, Facebook (, blogs, e-updates and other message-sharing vehicles as well as keeping our websites fresh, engaging and (always a big one!) easy to navigate.
A great way to get started (and get motivated) is by reading The Dragonfly Effect ( ), which heralds “quick, easy and powerful ways to use social media to drive social change.” In retrospect, the two authors seem like fortune-tellers, for their message presaged the recent Facebook-driven freedom uprisings in Egypt and other Middle East countries.
I found the book compelling, and I think you will, too. You’ll learn how to raise awareness and build excitement about your products and services; how to get people to communicate with each other about you; how to put a human face on your organization; and how to achieve your ultimate goal: enticing people to respond to your call to action.
The power of the social network will only grow. If you want your organization to grow, jump on fast and go for it!
See you at the virtual conversation café.
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